Welcome to your luxury beach hotel room in Cancun, Mexico
With its own international airport, Cancun is easy to get to and offers adults and children alike a superb vacation resort. With the extensive availability of luxury accommodation options, including luxury villas, boutique hotel rooms, and plush suites, you're bound to find the right place for you in Cancun. The map of Cancun is littered with hotels with high-star rating assessments and superb views. In this part of Mexico, though, prices are often favorable, especially when compared to other parts of North America. Of course, in a resort location like Cancun, the price you might pay for a boutique hotel is likely to be higher than in other parts of Mexico, but this charming resort is still affordable, even when you take into account inclusive offers that cover your food and drink. Wherever you are located during your stay in Cancun, you are bound to enjoy a truly memorable vacation regardless of the star rating of your hotel because so many of the best accommodation options in Mexico are situated in the resort. Book a vacation you will remember for the rest of your life by selecting one of the many boutique hotels in Cancun where you and your guests can relax in style, enjoying access to the beach, ocean views, and many more features, including your own swimming pool in some cases.
How should you choose a hotel in Cancun that's right for you?
To begin with, consider all of the reviews of any hotel you are thinking of booking before you set your mind on one particular Cancun hotel room or a set of suites you like the look of. Check the detailed description in the reviews, such as proximity to the airport, how far it is to the beach - or playa - whether there is availability for the dates you want, and, of course, the star rating of the hotel itself so you can judge its service levels. Look at the images in each of the reviews you read, too. Photographs typically allow you to check out particular features, such as the private pool or hotel restaurant. Look for the availability of rooms for your preferred dates. You won't want to be disappointed by finding the perfect Cancun hotel for your vacation only to discover it is fully booked throughout your vacation dates. Remember that if the description says your luxury hotel is set close to the airport, this might mean some airport noise. However, read the full description since being close to an airport needn't mean experiencing noise unless it is under the flight path.
What sets boutique hotel rooms in Cancun apart?
Unlike standard hotels, which tend to have uniform design features, boutique hotels often have one-off, charming design aesthetics. Look at the decorations you see in the pictures on offer or read each room description to decide whether the look of the hotel matches your sense of style. You can view all of these things for free, after all. Each hotel description should also give you a better idea of the property style as a whole. Boutique hotels in Cancun can be quite large, with a big swimming pool outside, but some are smaller, offering a more intimate experience that adults on a romantic break may appreciate. In many cases, smaller hotels still have big suites and rooms, just fewer of them. If there isn't a large swimming pool at your preferred boutique hotel, then check whether your room comes with a private plunge pool. Many a hotel design in Cancun offers this on ground floor rooms. Also, bear in mind that larger resort hotels in Cancun don't always offer the same features or service levels as boutique ones. Alongside exceptional views of the Gulf of Mexico, boutique hotels in Cancun typically have great spa facilities. Ideal for adults in small groups or couples, a hotel spa service may not be free - inclusive within the price of the room - but it can still be worth it if your idea of fun is to set your cares aside and relax with a spa treatment or two during your vacation. Hotels in the Cancun Riviera Maya are ideal for this sort of relaxing break, with many boutique hotels offering charming features and facilities. There are many other examples of the sort of style you can expect in Zona Hotelera (the hotel zone) and El Centro (Downtown Cancun). Oceanfront boutique hotel experiences with spas can also be found.
When is boutique room availability at its peak in Cancun?
In a location like Cancun, hotels are set to be at their busiest from December to about mid-April. This is because many visitors from North America and Europe want to enjoy a resort getaway in the sun over the colder months. Since this is the most popular time to book, prices necessarily go up, especially for inclusive offers that come with board. If you're looking for rooms or suites in this particular location when prices are at their highest, remember that Cancun still offers many charming boutique hotels. Yes, your preferred hotel might be a little busier than at other times, but you will still get the same luxury room, stunning views of the beach, and top-quality service no matter when your vacation dates are set. If you are free at other times of the year, then try to avoid dates that coincide with the hurricane season, usually in early fall. A great time to book a luxury hotel room is in early winter before the resort becomes too busy, but when virtually every location on the Cancun map looks at its best.
What service can you expect at a Cancun boutique hotel?
No description of Cancun would be complete without mentioning the service standards in this resort. In short, they will be exceptional whether you choose a four-star hotel room or a set of five-star luxury hotel suites. Hotels in Cancun pride themselves on great customer service, and you will find this mentioned in nearly every hotel description you read. This is entirely fair in nearly all cases, covering everything from room service to poolside safety and even things like swimming lessons or spa treatments. Check out the description of the hotel restaurant rating, too. This is important if you are set on enjoying fine cuisine during your stay. Of course, the cuisine of Mexico is on offer at most hotels, but you can also expect food from other parts of the world as well. Along with the menu, look at the description of the design of the restaurant. Some are great for romantic meals for two, while others are more suited to family groups. Your hotel may have enough room for multiple dining options, some of which might be free while others come with separate prices. In Cancun, hotels often provide inclusive deals, but not all include beverages. A great tip is to take a view on how many drinks you are likely to consume during your vacation and book your boutique hotel room accordingly, taking into account whether drinks are free, are subject to the bar's price list, or inclusive only at mealtimes or when combined with other special offers.